Frequently Asked Questions

  • We utilize Jackrabbit for seamless scheduling and electronic payments. All payments are processed electronically for convenience and efficiency. Cash payment upon request.

  • Yes, each participant has a dedicated recurring time slot. If you're unable to attend your scheduled day, please coordinate with your instructor to arrange a makeup session.

  • A session refers to the duration of the course you’ve enrolled in within a specific program. The number of consecutive days varies depending on the program selected. View our programs here.

  • Squiddles Swim Center - 304 E Ave H, Nolanville, TX 76559

  • Classes at Squiddles run year-round! Please visit our scheduling page for the most up-to-date class start dates and availability.

  • Lessons are available by class registration only, and hours vary depending on the program. Please check the schedule for specific availability.

  • Lesson days vary by instructor and program. Most lessons are offered Monday through Thursday or Monday through Friday. Adult lessons are available on weekends.

  • Typically 6 months old. They need to be able to crawl, sit up, and roll from front to back without assistance.

  • Take the instructor quiz.

  •  3 layers if your student is not fully potty trained with no accidents for over 1 yr.

    • disposable swim diaper

    • washable fabric swim diaper cover (should be super snug around the thighs and waist)

    • swimsuit/shorts 

    Washable fabric swim diaper covers are available for purchase.

  • Yes, we have a Food/Drink Policy

    • No fruit (in any form) before lessons

    • No milk or dairy products for at least 4 hours prior to swimming, including baby formula, cheese, yogurt, smoothies, and yogurt-covered raisins.

    • No celery, fast food (e.g. Chick-fil-A nuggets and fries), or processed junk food before lessons.

    • A normal diet can be resumed after lessons are completed for the day.

    Please read full school policies here.

  • Please arrive no more than 5 minutes before your designated time slot, dressed and ready for the pool. Late arrivals may result in a shortened lesson.

  • All correspondence can be found on the parent jackrabbit portal.

  • All lessons are available as one-on-one instruction; however, we do not offer private home lessons or lessons outside of our designated programs at the Squiddles Swim Center.

  • Our mandatory meetings are designed to help you understand our program and feel confident before lessons begin. You'll have the opportunity to speak with instructors and experienced parents, review proper attire (including the required three layers), and learn about protocols for weather-related delays or cancellations. This is also a great time to get answers to any questions you may have during the first few weeks.

    The mandatory meetings will ensure our first day is on time and everyone will understand the routine prior to arrival.

  • The cost of lessons is based on the time spent with students. For example, Survival Swim Lessons total 200 minutes, whereas Special Needs Lessons are 300 minutes in duration, which accounts for the difference in pricing.

  • If you're interested in learning how to become a swim instructor, please reach out to us for more information. If you'd like to explore other volunteer opportunities to support our mission, we'd love to hear from you. Please email us at

  • Yes, we offer gift cards for electronic purchases. Please contact us at and we'll be happy to assist you further.

  • Yes! We are actively fundraising to offer free programs to families in need. If you're interested in applying for a scholarship, please visit [insert link]. If you'd like to contribute to our efforts and donate, please email us at Your support helps make water safety accessible to all families!